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Busitema University medical school celebrates its 10th anniversary

Busitema University medical school celebrates its 10th anniversary


To mark the 10th anniversary of the medical school management, faculty, students and stakeholders gathered at Wash and Wills Hotel on 18th January 2024. The celebration highlighted the history of the medical school, contributions made and presented awards to those who have had a profound impact on its growth over the years. 

Busitema University medical school was established in 2013 and boasts of five research groups, Maternal and Child Health, Natural Products Research and Innovation Centre, Critical Care and Anaesthesia and Mbale Clinical Research Institute which were all contributing to the school’s vision of “a world class centre in strategic innovation to meet challenges of health care delivery in sub saharan Africa”.

While making remarks, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Waako, commended management of the school for organising the day to mark ten years. He noted the role played by the then Chancellor, Prof Francis Omaswa, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Mary Okwakol, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences. Mak, Prof. Nelson Sewankambo, Former PS MoES Mr. FX Lubanga, Hon. Wanjusi Waseba and LCV Chairperson Mbale, Hon. Benard Mujasi in the establishment of the medical school. “It all started with mobilisation of resources from MoES and MoFPED, support from the American Embassy through Seed Global Health, donation of equipment from Kissito and 50 acres of land from Mbale District Local Government that saw the birth of the medical school”, said Prof. Waako.

Prof. Mary Okwakol, the former Vice Chancellor congratulated the Chancellor, Chairperson and Management on the great achievement. “The medical school was supposed to have been started at the Clinical school but because of the change in government policy of transforming colleges into universities, the University had to look for alternatives sites to start”, said Prof. Okwakol. This saw establishment of the medical school at the premises of Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. She appreciated Dr. Dominic Waburoko and Dr. Benon Wanume who were serving in positions Chairperson Hospital Board and Hospital Director for their overwhelming support towards establishment of the school. Prof. Okwakol also recognized the role played by the current Vice Chancellor, Paul Waako’s role in starting the medical school and as founder Dean.

Prof. Vinand Nantulya, the Chancellor closed the celebrations by saying how impressed he is, not only by the growth over the last ten years but the school’s contribution to the health workforce.

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